miércoles, 2 de febrero de 2011

Alfonso Cortes, Orgullo Nicaragüense

    Alfonso Cortes Bendaña es uno de los más reconocidos e importantes poetas nicaragüenses. Nacido en León el 9 de diciembre de 1893, Alfonso Cortes tuvo una vocación hacia la literatura la cual lo llevo a escribir sus primeros versos  a la joven edad de 7 años. Alfonso Cortes viajo a distintas partes de la Américas hasta que en 1927 perdió la razón y se volvió loco. 
    Sorprendentemente, el estado de locura de Alfonso Cortes no marco el fin de su legado como poeta ya que durante los 42 años que permaneció loco todavía escribió increíbles poemas como Ventana. Después de su muerte en 1969, Alfonso Cortes llego a ser reconocido como uno de los mejores poetas nicaragüenses.  Cortes es visto como uno de los tres grandes poetas después de Darío. La poesía de Cortes es importante ya que él es considerado como uno de los primeros poetas metafísicos de América. Por esto y mucho más, Alfonso Cortes Bendaña es un orgullo nicaragüense.

martes, 1 de febrero de 2011

Como se Celebra la Jornada Dariana en mi Colegio

     En el colegio Lincoln, la jornada dariana se celebra a través de toda la escuela. Los estudiantes del colegio compiten entre clases decorando sus respectivas clases en relación con la jornada dariana. A demás de decorar las aulas de clase en respecto a Dario, los estudiantes también decoran sus aulas en relación a otros grandes poetas nicaragüenses como Alfonso Cortes, Salomón de la Selva, etc. Las profesoras de español también organizan un acto en honor a Darío y a los otros grandes poetas nicaragüenses. Todos los estudiantes participan en actividades respectivas a la jornada dariana y así es como se celebra la jornada dariana en el colegio Lincoln.

viernes, 21 de enero de 2011

A Meaningful Gift

    It was a happy day of October, the 25th to be precise, during my birthday many of years ago. I was enjoying the time on my birthday with my family and my grandparents in my house. After some time of being with the family my dad told me he had a surprise to give me. Exited to find out what was it that my father was going to give me, I followed him to his little office in the house were he had a big box wrapped in colorful paper. It was a mysterious box and I couldn't figure out what was in it. After I thanked my father for the gift, I quickly knelt besides the box and tore up the wrapping of the box. To my surprise, what lay inside the box was a desktop computer with a medium sized monitor, keyboard, mouse, and everything. I was very happy at that moment and went over to connect the computer in my room. It was a meaningful gift since I had wanted to get a computer and it came right into my hands.

jueves, 20 de enero de 2011

The Plastic Pen

    There was this one time at school when I took a little silly event quite seriously. It was a normal day like any other at school during grammar class. Because we repeatedly ask the teacher to take us outside the class, she agreed with us and took us to the area outside of the school cafeteria. We had some work to do but we were relaxing outside. During the assignment, I lend a pen to a friend and after finishing my work several minutes later, I saw that my friend Jose Esteban had the same exact pen. So then I went over to where Jose was and told him that the pen was mine. To my surprise, Jose told me that pen was his but I was certain that pen was mine for the friend to whom I lend my pen to said he didn't have it anymore.

    Thinking that Jose had picked up my pen from the ground or something like that, I kept on insisting that the pen was mine. For some really stupid reason we began to argue about the ownership of the pen. We began to gradually raise the level of our voices until it became a full-fledged discussion to see whose pen it was. In the end the person whom I had lend my pen to realized he still had the pen in his pocket and gave it to me. At that moment I felt very stupid and as Jose and I looked back at what we were just doing it looked like a bunch of retards who were arguing who would keep a C$3 pen that was half full. This is the time were I took something so dumb as a lost pen way too seriously and led me into an angry discussion.

miércoles, 19 de enero de 2011

If Only I Had Listened...

     Many times it has happened to me that I do not listen to others and decide upon doing things my way. Most of the time when I do things my way without listening to the advice that others tried giving to me I end up doing poorly on my task or failing at them. This problem arises specially when there is a project due but the deadline is far away, about one or two months away. The worst case where I almost failed at a project for not listening to the advice of others was when I had to do my Geometry Manual. This Geometry Manual was a project that Mr. Garcia had left us to do last year on our Algebra II Honors Class. The project was to write down a manual of how to do geometry problems from all the chapters that were covered by the geometry classes so that they may have a guideline of how to do problems they might not understand. The project was very big since we had to cover nine out of the thirteen chapters of the book and it was individual work.

    Even though the project was difficult and it looked like it would take a considerable amount of time, I didn't begin to work on it until near the deadline. It was a project left on the beginning of thanks giving and due on the semester test week. I took the assignment without being serious and because of that I began to work on it only one week before its due date.My friends were all advising me to begin earlier, to prepare an outline of my work, or to at least think about how to do it. Of course, their advises fell into deaf ears and I decided to procrastinate until the last possible moment. In the end I had to do all my work in about three days since the deadline was already at hand and I had to stay up all night for three days working from the afternoon until around four in the morning. The manual was good and I received a 98 on it, but it left me incredibly tired and it was a pain to do it. If only I had listened to my friends and began to work at least one week before, I would have had an easier time on my manual.

martes, 18 de enero de 2011

Cocaine Lab Seized in Spain

  The police at Madrid, Spain have seized a cocaine lab with over 300kg of cocaine, 2 million euros in cash and 457 mobile phones, weapons, and luxury cars. The total number of people arrested are 25 with some of them being Spaniards and other being Colombians. The police raided the cocaine lab that was located on a farm on the outskirts of Madrid. Some of the men captured in this police raid ran law firms to try and make it look like a legal work but the firm was suspected of laundering money. The police will provide more information on a conference at Madrid on Tuesday.

Full Story at CNN.com

China and U.S. Relations

    The U.S. president Barack Obama and the Chinese president Hu Jintao will have a meeting tomorrow in order to discuss issues regarding trade, currency, and other issues. This meeting is very important since both the U.S. and China have an important relationship with each other. Currently, China is the third biggest importer of U.S. goods loosing only to Canada and Mexico. Besides buying many of U.S. exports, China is also the biggest investor in the U.S. Currently, China is responsible for a quarter of all the investment done on the U.S. which helps the U.S. to step out of the current recession it is experimenting.

    Because the U.S. depends on China for its money and investment and because China depends on the U.S. for many of the goods it imports and so a positive relationship between them would be beneficial. The meeting between president Obama and president Hu Jintao will be very important for the development of both nations and for their future economy

Full story at CNN.com

My Favorite Song

    My favorite song of all time is Memories by David Guetta. Memories is my favorite song because it talks of all the things you do in one night you will never forget because of how crazy it was that night. I also just like to listen to the song since I like the rhythm  and the tune with which the song was made.

This song is also good for when you are in a party and the DJ puts it blasting on the speakers. Memories has become my favorite song since I always keep the memories of what I did at night when I went out with friends since those memories tend to include good moments and crazy stuff happening.

My Favorite Movie -Iron Man-

    My favorite movie from all the movies that I've watched has been Iron Man released in 2008. This is my favorite movie because of many reasons. First of all, the movie is very cool. The acting is well done, the armor suites look well made and almost real, and the movie's story is actually good. The movie was well made with a lot of effort put in it and for that reason it is a very good movie.

    I've always liked Iron Man since I was a little kid watching cartoons on the T.V. after school so when the movie came out I was quite happy about it. At the beginning I was suspicious that it would be a bad movie that tried to sell well by using a famous name, but the movie ended up being very good and I really enjoyed it. After watching the movie, I realized that had been paying complete attention to the movie since it wasn't boring at all. Iron Man became my favorite movie since it was well made and I liked it a lot.